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Enjoy the golden moments of dolls and teddy bears, because all too soon the magical years of pretending are left behind.

Friday, September 2, 2011

watermelon shampoo

the kids usually get pretty messy after any meal...mostly breakfast. Instead of just using a wash cloth to clean them up...i have been doing bath times at 9 am...they love it!!! I thought I wouldn't have the energy to do it everyday...but I love the fact that my children now smell like watermelon all day long. They are truly my water babies. Happy friday to all.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

4 wonderful years together

Today, four years ago I married my best friend. He is my one and only. I never thought that I would ever end up with my crush. Our life seems like a fairytale and we are now living in the Happily Ever After part of it. Its not always birds chirping and sun shining. More like kids crying and night lights glowing. Its so comforting to know that God meant for us to be together and is going to take care of us. No matter how many times we fight, I can rest in My Lord knowing that I am in His will and if I keep my eyes towards Him then anything is possible. Thank you Brian for not giving up on me. I love you so much and today I am even more in love with you then I ever have been before. You complete me. <3

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jay Bug and Car Car

Jayden is 3 years and 3 months and happy as can be. She loves getting into everything. She has successfully painted her own nails with mommys nail polish and she caan now feed the guinea pig, Buster, carrots all by herself. She has mastered the potty and is now working on good hand washing skills. She also loves red food right now. Watermelon, tomatos...if its red she will eat it. Shes not a picky eater but she stays away from bread. Jayden loves playing with her babies. She feeds them, changes them, spanks them and puts them to bed. Her imagination is refreshing. She also loves to boogie to a funky beat and she likes to twirl when I play the classical station. She is my little Princess.

Carter is 16 months now. He is a walking expert. The only things he can say is Hi, Uh Oh, Dada and I get the occasional Mama. He has a smile that is very contagious. He laughs at pretty much everything but is very emotional too. He loves his mommy very much. He is now a head banger. If he doesn't get his way or he can't get out attention by just simply crying he plops down on his bum bum and bangs his head on the floor...no matter where we are. The carpet hasen't been bad. But a few weeks ago he did it outside on concrete. That left a mark for sure and I haven't seen him do it since then. He also loves cars right now. He likes to push them all over the floor. He is our little Prince.

A fresh start...

I found a box of things from when I was a teenager the other day. It was so much fun looking at everything that I had kept and was into then. I also found my diary. Not only was it a stress reliever to the end of any day but it was probably the closest I ever felt to God. I would write to him. Then I was reminded by my mom...thanks mom...about my blog. I am ready for a fresh start and I am going to try and update every weekend. Thank you for reading and I will have new pics very soon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Peek Inside

Well, Carter is 4 1/2 months and he is now a roller. He is eating single grain rice and is doing very well. He loves to look at his hands very intensly and he really enjoys faces. Jayden is coming up on 2 1/2 years. She is still potty training but is doing a great job. We have struggled a bit with her attitude. She definetly has a mind of her own and can climb almost anywhere. We just adopted a cat named Beans. :) He is so sweet. A perfect way to wrap our family of four to five. Brian and I have been eating whole grains, veggies and chicken. We have both lost 15 pounds each. There is so much to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for my wonderful family.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My sweet little fairy princess...

Jayden said her first sentence today. I asked her if she wanted some pancakes this morning. She said, " Yes I do." It made me smile. She is growing everyday and soaks up everything like a sponge. Time passes all too quickly, so cherish each moment you have in a day. No one knows when our last day will be. So...Carpe Diem...Cease the day!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thank you Lord for what I have

For the last couple of weeks now, I was feeling like I needed to get something accomplished. Have some goals that I could accomplish immediately. That was so silly of me. Getting a dog, buying a house, starting a home business. That was just going to stress me out even more. Today I am choosing to take a step back, look at my priorities for our family and do it God's way. Why not..His way is better for me anyway. I had a selfish month. Not to say getting a dog, house and making money is all selfish, but for me...it was. Time to get back on track and to not be so narrow minded to what I want, but to what God wants for my family. Thank you Lord for my new found respect for everything I already have.